So 9 months later, how am I doing? In all honesty, I'm much better than I ever thought I would be. There's a part of me that will always hurt but for right now, it's merely a dull ache. I can live with it.
I'm at a point now where I wonder how to use what I've been through to somehow help others. Sometimes I think of getting back on Facebook and posting something informative regarding infertility on a regular basis. I'm not ashamed of our situation and I want to raise awareness of what is a very silent tragedy that couples face.
But that only tells everyone who knows me that I can't have kids. Does that raise awareness or just isolate me?
I struggle with where to go from here. How can I be of use to God? How can I turn this experience into something positive? I've changed my perspective on a lot in my own life because of it so if that's the positive, then I accept it.
But if I can do more to further God's message with my journey, then I want to help. I just don't know how.